About Suburban Beauty
At Suburban Beauty we have created a relaxed yet professional 'boutique' style environment with a fully equipped treatment room, in a comfortable, welcoming home environment. We want you to feel relaxed and removed from the the pressure of modern life, starting with a latte and home baked cupcake ( if there's any left!) before heading to the beauty room for your favourite treatment.
Alison is a fully qualified beauty therapist who has ten years experience working in multi-award winning salons.
She is commited to developing her skills by learning the latest treatments and techniques.
Her positive outlook and sunny disposition are consistantly appreciated by her fiercely loyal clientelle. As a client of Alisons, you are getting a highly skilled therapist, a friendly face and a sympathetic ear.
For a unique experience, where you are treated as an individual, not just a number, book an appointment. You won't be disappointed.